- Freddie Gray may have ultimately killed himself
- Prisoner in van with Freddie Gray says he was trying to injure himself
- Attorney representing rioting thugs says bail is too high
- Newsmax: 17 things the media won't tell you about the riots
- Anchor Babies: One in ten U.S. births now to illegal aliens
- Disney lays off more IT workers for foreign replacements
- Yawn: Bernie Sanders challenging Hillary
- Former Gitmo detainees demand reparations
- Jeb Bush says it all may come down to Pitbull
- Obama orders reporter to stop videotaping him, reporter obeys
- Daily Kos lib 'embarrassed to be white'
- Mom says she was 'lunch shamed' by school for packing Oreos for daughter
- Russian spacecraft is plunging toward Earth
- Charlie Hebdo cartoonist will no longer draw Mohammed
- Catholic Bishop: Hillary 'thinks she is a god'
- Atlanta judge reduces sentences in cheating case
- Woman denied a cigarette, sets gas pump on fire
- Fields in which workers are more likely to drink
- 82-year-old man arrested for assault over doorbell dispute
- More Indian outrage over Adam Sandler movie
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Actually comes from a listener, Noah Lott
- Expert of the Day: Wayne Allyn Root says black America should start blaming black America
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Thursday April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday April 29, 2015
- Economy grinds to a halt
- Reagan recovery vs. the Obama, um, 'recovery'
- Justice Alito burns gay marriage lawyer on polygamy question
- Man sues city for $250,000 after falling off his bike
- Thousands of new Lois Lerner e-mails found
- 'Clinton Cash' author hires full-time security
- Clinton Foundation failed to disclose 1,100 foreign donations
- The psychology of giving to Johnny B's lawnmower fund
- Manmade drought, manmade 'solution': Gov. Brown proposes $10,000-per-day fine
- Pope attacked by climate change skeptics
- Man admits gun thefts were meant for Ferguson protesters
- Oil-rich socialist Venezuela rations power
- Al Jazeera America hit with $15 million discrimination lawsuit
- Tattoos make Apple Watch malfunction
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Chris P. Bacon
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Tuesday April 28, 2015
- Johnny B's Lawnmower fund
- Baltimore rioters want to kill anybody who's not black
- 144 vehicle fires, 15 structure fires, 200 arrests
- Intel: Gang attacks on white cops might spread
- Mayor who said they need their space to destroy now says city being destroyed by thugs
- Mom of the year? Baltimore mom publicly beats son after throwing rocks at police
- Chris Matthews blames rioting on right-to-work states stealing jobs
- City council president apologizes to rioters
- Idiot psychologist says Baltimore has 'battered community syndrome'
- Baltimore Orioles to play to empty stadium
- Iran fires warning shots, boards cargo ship
- Supreme Court justices divided on gay marriage
- SCOTUS slaps down Obamacare contraception mandate again
- No Shiite, Sherlock: DHS Secretary says illegal gang member murderer should not have received DACA
- CA city considers shaming water wasters
- Millionaire buries treasure chest, gives clues in book
- EPA spends $84,000 to study churches that preach climate change
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Dick Raper
Monday, April 27, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Monday April 27, 2015
- Johnny B's Lawnmower Fund
- FBI investigating ISIS threat inside the U.S.
- Hostage's family paid ransom to wrong terrorist group
- Ruth Vader Ginsburg goes on the record about gay marriage
- Russian hackers hack Obama's personal e-mail
- GoFundMe pulls fundraiser for Christian Oregon bakery
- Funeral for Freddie Gray
- Baltimore mayor gives protestors 'space' to destroy
- Baltimore Police: Gangs enter partnership to 'take out' cops
- Mayor thanks Nation of Islam for help with riots
- Baltimore protestor moons police and CNN
- Liberals turn on Bruce Jenner after he admits he's a Republican
- Gay hotelier apologizes for hosting Ted Cruz event
- Lots of big money in GOP race
- Map of Nepal earthquake damage
- Study: Fracking boosted the economy during the recession
- Las Vegas man admits making up story about Harry Reid being beat up by brother
- Study blames three-fourths of hot days on manmade global warming
- Top scientist start to examine fiddled global warming data
- Drought frames economic divide in California
- Union membership down 50 percent since 1983
- Hillary fundraiser: Come clean before I raise money for you
- NBC investigators uncover 11 Brian Williams lies so far
- Lena Dunham continues bovine scatology about being raped in college
- Indian actors quit Sandler movie over 'racist' jokes
- Plane cleaner stole 1,500 mini liquor bottles, 19 Kindles and 7 iPads
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Kathleen Drinkwine-Layer
- Expert of the Day: Tim Graham of the Media Research Center on BSNBC's Toure and his $60,000 back tax bill to the IRS
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Thursday April 23, 2015
- Illegal aliens rapes 10-year-old
- Republicans cave, Loretta Lynch confirmed as AG
- List of 10 Republicans who voted to confirm Lynch
- Man begged Obama to save him 4 years before drone killed him
- National Review: The Obama Takeback
- North Korea expands nuclear program
- NY Mag: The disastrous Clinton post-presidency
- Comcast to drop Time Warner deal
- Hearst granddaughter: Cosmopolitan magazine is pornography
- Video: Barbara Boxer wants e-cigarettes off TV
- Pot users have 'false memories'
- How the Apple Watch might change your work life
- Miami Dolphins player signs up to be Uber driver
- China cracks down on strippers at funerals
- Woman lunges at customers with knife saying she 'kills crackers every day'
- Teen wears fake bomb to ask date to prom, gets suspended
- Avengers stars apologize for calling Black Widow a slut
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: BBC News Correspondent Matthew Correspondent
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday April 22, 2015
- Four more murders because of Obama
- Iranian warships arrive near Yemen
- This is hilarious: Parody of text messages between Obama and Iran
- McDonald's sales continue to slide
- Co-founder of Earth Day was green, he killed and composted his girlfriend
- 18 spectacularly wrong predictions from the first Earth Day
- For Earth Day, Levi Jeans wants people to wash less
- Record numbers of electric car owners trading in for SUVs
- Sheriff Joe faces contempt charges in Arizona
- Anti-gay business owner hit by vandals
- Fourth BSNBC host owes back taxes
- Judge rules NY public transit must run anti-jihad ads
- NFL concussion settlement given final approval
- Letterman joke assailed as sexist
- Man cited for shooting his computer
- Man arrested for urinating in hotel ice machine
- Hey y'all, watch 'is: Man bitten while trying to kiss poisonous snake
- Bruce Jenner cereal boxes then and now
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Dr. Whet Faartz
- Expert of the Day: Brian Sussman narrates new film about global warming
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Tuesday April 21, 2015
- Alabama woman joins ISIS
- Six officers suspended in death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore
- Obama climate plan makes coal plants less efficient
- Too many vitamins can give you cancer
- CA: Court rules tiered water rates unconstitutional
- Jeb Bush says 'the NSA being enhanced' has been the best part of Obama's presidency
- Prosecutors still after Rick Perry
- Six senators seek to stop Comcast/Time Warner deal
- Former Obama pilot: TWA Flight 800 was shot down
- Video: Congress tells protestor, 'Touch me again, I'll drop your ass.'
- Veteran scuffles with police after snatching a flag being desecrated in protest
- State Department won't rule out $50 billion 'signing bonus' for Iran
- China warns Hillary not to bash them during campaign
- Media Matters founder criticizes Hillary book he hasn't even read
- Students organize 'sh*t-in' for gender-neutral bathrooms
- Mind training as good as medication for treating depression
- Madonna deletes post praising Margaret Thatcher
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Tiny Kox
Monday, April 20, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Monday April 20, 2015
- Another ISIS video shows beheading of Christians
- FBI arrests 6 in ISIS recruitment network
- U.S. warships sent to intercept Iranian shipments to Yemen
- Released Gitmo prisoners returning to the battlefield
- Huge shift in public opinion on gun rights
- White House unmoved by court action on illegal immigration
- The toll of social media on girls' mental health
- Understanding California's drought
- Rumor of dying CIA agent confessing to killing Marilyn Monroe is all made up
- Norway is shutting down FM radio
- Armani tells gays not to dress so gay
- Two men fight over whether LeBron or Jordan was the better player
- 170-year-old champagne found in Baltic Sea shipwreck
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Kash Register
- Expert of the Day: Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity on the death tax
- Aaron Tippin on Ted Cruz using his song on the campaign trail
Friday, April 17, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Friday April 17, 2015
- Cameras on border capture steady stream of illegals, guns and drugs
- Jeb Bush says amnesty is 'rational,' 'thoughtful'
- Florida guv suing Obama over further ensnaring his state in Obamacare
- A third of high-earners live paycheck to paycheck
- Jeb Bush calls for Republicans to confirm Loretta Lynch
- McCain concerned about 'the unpredictability of this overweight young man in North Korea'
- Navy reveals Jeep that can shoot down drones with laser
- China builds airstrip on disputed island in South China Sea
- More on the mysterious Walmart closings
- More on Jade Helm military training exercises
- Al Gore's Montecito neighborhood finding a way around the water restrictions
- April blizzard causes 70-vehicle pile-up
- ESPN suspends reporter after going off on tow-lot attendant
- Is the Bureau of Land Management getting set for another Bundy-style showdown?
- Netflix wants to kill TV
- Tim McGraw's Sandy Hook concert hits an anti-gun sour note
- Hero pulls man to safety then walks away
- Duh. What took so long? White House to top fence with spikes
- Gwyneth Paltrow fails the food stamp challenge four days in
- Russian version of Siri is homophobic
- Photo emerges of Marco Rubio in Chippendales routine
- Video: Hillary and the stupid 're-set' button
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Lawyer Sue Yoo
- Expert of the Day: Gayle Trotter says the Iranian nuke deal stinks
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Thursday April 16, 2015
- U.S. military hostile to Christians under Obama
- Kansas to restrict the use of welfare assistance
- ISIS? Radioactive material stolen in Mexico
- Hillary's Scooby van parks in handicapped spot
- Girl Scout troop to welcome boys who want to be girls
- Boston Marathon bomber's family blame government conspiracy
- Pope to host summit on climate change
- DHS ranked worst place to work in federal government
- Judge opens door for cops to storm your home
- Michigan village uneasy about fallen soldier memorial that features a gun
- Former TSA agent: Groping scandal is business as usual
- Michigan auto shop owner faces death threats after saying he won't serve gays
- 'Murder victim' found in box is ancient Peruvian
- Support Jamiel's Law: Heartbroken father tells Phil about his high school son who was gunned down by an illegal alien as a gang initiation
- Guest: Kevin Jackson on The Big Black Lie
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday April 15, 2015
- Where your tax dollars go, by the numbers
- Warren Buffett avoids paying 'his fair share' in taxes, but Obama still loves him
- Man in gyrocopter lands on Capitol lawn to deliver political message to Congress
- Hilarious! Supporters of Loretta Lynch go on hunger strike
- Sen. Cornyn offers deal on Lynch nomination
- Here we go again: Fast food workers walk out, protest to gain $15 an hour
- Hillary was asked by Congress about e-mail 2 years ago, didn't respond
- Top Google search? How old is Hillary?
- Bill makes no mention of Hill in speech
- Female CEO says women should not be president
- Too cozy? Valerie Jarrett kisses reporters
- Russian ships enter English Channel, UK scrambles jets
- Sony CEO: Spotify is the 'final destination' for the music industry
- NY Times: Has Obamacare turned Americans against sharing the wealth?
- EU announces anti-trust action against Google
- One company's new minimum wage: $70,000 a year
- Video: Drone delivering asparagus to restaurant crashes and burns
- Man kills professor for allegedly molesting a relative, may be charged with hate crime
- Pastors starve two-year-old boy thought to be possessed
- Exorcist author claims to have proof of life after death
- Man set on fire in fight over bar tab
- Loser alert: Man ruptures tendon playing too much Candy Crush
- One Parliament candidate suggests wristbands to ID the mentally ill
- WashPo: The worst question you can ask a woman in a job interview
- Bullet ricochets off armadillo, hits woman sitting in trailer
- Need an old iPad? Someone bought the Pope's for $30,500!
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Mahboobeh
- Guest: Andrew Meehan from the Coalition for a Secure Driver's License
- Guest: Roy Beck from Numbers USA
- Guest: Michael Harrison from Talkers Magazine
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Tuesday April 14, 2015
- ISIS camp just a few miles from Texas border
- Feds releasing hundreds of illegal alien rapists, murderers
- More than 2 million of Hillary's Twitter followers are fake
- Hillary stops at Ohio restaurant, no one notices
- Only the media are chasing the Scooby van
- Senate deal sets up Iran nuke vote
- NY Times: Republicans oppose Iran nuke deal because they're racists
- Atlanta teachers sentenced to up to 7 years in prison for cheating scandal
- Waiter gets fired over the way he described black customers on receipt
- Tapper to Rubio: You're the candidate of yesterday on gay marriage
- Judge heaps scorn on three-year-old racist
- Nearly a quarter of all teens go online 'almost constantly'
- TSA agents manipulated system to allow male agent to fondle attractive male passengers
- Times Square Cookie Monster accused of groping teen
- Cursed at Birth, The Unfortunate Name of the Day: Canadian basketball player Guy Fuck
- John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute talks about his new book, Battlefield America
Monday, April 13, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Monday April 13, 2015
- Hillary's in, and no one's safe
- The everyday woman: Hillary hasn't driven a car in 20 years
- Debbie Whatshername Schultz backing away from 'war on women' theme
- Rubio: Hillary's so yesterday
- Sen. Corker tries to drum up support for his Iran bill, wouldn't sign Iran letter
- Iranian lawmakers demand 'fact sheet' on nuke deal
- Thousands march to protest global warming - In the snow
- Deportation of illegals plummets under Obama
- The exodus from high-tax states continues
- ISIS destroys ancient artifacts
- How we're picking up the slack for big corporations
- Ex-Duke lacrosse coach on the rush to judgement
- Woman pregnant with quadruplets - at 65!
- Florida man warned not to stalk squirrels
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of Day: Jed I. Knight
- Expert of the Day: Jason Russell from The Washington Examiner on the presidential candidates thus far
Friday, April 10, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Friday April 10, 2015
- Iran's ayatollah says Obama is lying about nuke deal
- Muslim accused of plotting to detonate bomb at military base
- Top 20% of earners pay 84% of income tax
- Feds open civil rights investigation into SC shooting
- SC investigators say cop shooting was suspicious before video emerged
- Family of Walter Scott tells Sharpton to stay away
- Boston Globe says Marathon bomber should not die
- California sheriff defies Gov. Brown on illegal immigration
- NRA revenue jumps 36%
- Pope urges quick action on climate change
- Climate fiction makes its way into college classrooms
- Column: Global warming didn't give Obama's daughter asthma
- 3 middle school boys in custody after guns and a 'device' found
- Investigation into beating of man on stolen horse
- Healthy eating may be the new eating disorder
- Transgender man still seen as woman by military
- Documentary shows cozy relationship between press and White House
- North Korean text book claims Kim Jong-un learned to drive at age 3
- Wiccan priestess delivers 'prayer' for Iowa state house
- Cursed at Birth, The Unfortunate Name of the Day: Beezow Doo-doo Zopittybop-bop-bop
- Expert of the Day: Curtis Dubay from the Heritage Foundation talks about tax reform
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Thursday April 9, 2015
- Dash cam of traffic stop in North Charleston just before the fatal encounter
- Iran rejects nuke deal
- Israeli defense minister: Iran deal makes war more likely
- University of Michigan caves again, will show 'American Sniper'
- Polls show Hillary fatigue
- Gallup: Most Americans still unhappy with Obamacare
- Idiot congressman says conservatives responsible for shooting in North Charleston
- Net neutrality opens door to new Internet fees
- Secret Service manager put on leave during probe of alleged assault
- Gun industry sees unprecedented surge
- Army forced to pay damages for not allowing transgender to use women's bathroom
- White House now features gender-neutral bathroom
- Congress could force radio to pay artists, labels
- Obama: State has finished review on Cuba status on terror
- Obama aims to end gay conversion therapy
- Gordon College accuses gay activists of discriminating against Christian students
- Conflict over airline seat assignment and religion
- SWAT team called over shoplifter
- Cursed at Birth, The Unfortunate Name of the Day: Just engaged, Taranda Greene and Brandon Beene. She will be Taranda Greene Beene
- Expert of the Day: Brian Hughes from The Washington Examiner on Obama trying to convince the public that climate change is important
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday April 8, 2015
- Tsarnaev found guilty in Boston Marathon bombing
- North Charleston officer charged with murder for shooting suspect in the back
- How many cops helped the killer cover up his crime?
- NRA event in Nashville attracts record 13 presidential candidates
- Federal judge refuses to restart Obama's amnesty, says lawyers lied to him
- University of Michigan cancels 'American Sniper,' makes little weenies feel unsafe
- Are you kidding? Obama says daughter's asthma attack made climate change personal
- AT&T data breach, 280k customers exposed
- Government of Turkey OKs toilet paper use for Muslims
- Military moving communications back to Cold War bunker
- Oh, brother. Now calling Hillary 'Hillary' is sexist
- 'The Interview' DVD dropped over North Korea
- US bidnesses want more immigrant workers
- Duh! Too much time on Facebook can lead to depression
- Man to undergo world's first head transplant
- Woman charged with animal cruelty for killing boyfriend's goldfish with bleach
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Joel Burger and Ashley King to marry, paid for by Burger King, naturally
- Expert of the Day: Dan Kish, Sr. VP of Policy at the Institute for Energy Research about lifting the ban on oil exports
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Tuesday April 7, 2015
- Rand Paul makes it official
- YouTube pulls announcement video over copyright infringement
- Twitter explodes over 'Jew for Rand' Paul sign
- Rand's online store offers NSA blockers
- Some gays coming to the defense of Indiana's RFRA
- Explosion causes DC power outage
- Illegals surge across the border at highest rate since last summer
- Previously deported illegals can re-enter on your dime
- Texas moves to end in-state tuition for illegals
- More scientists believe salt not as bad for you as government says
- What happens when researchers post fake iPhone ads online from poor neighborhoods
- Man loses free lifetime buffet at casino, kills himself
- Mercedes will offer a pickup
- When is a word a slur?
- Cursed at Birth, The Unfortunate Name of the Day: Major Dickie Head
Monday, April 6, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Monday April 6, 2015
- UVA frat to sue Rolling Stone magazine; editor to take no action against reporter
- Jeb Bush listed himself as 'Hispanic' on voter registration app
- Rand Paul to announce for presidency: Watch his video
- California to fine heavy shower use
- Americans' anger over illegal immigration grows
- Harvard grad students start movement to unionize
- Plastic surgeon to the stars takes his own life, upset over Tina Fey making fun of him
- Mysterious black ring in the skies above Kazakstan
- The new band Phil was talking about: Chadwick Station
- The Phonics Game Phil was talking about: Only comes in VHS, unfortunately
- Scientists wary of robot lawnmowers
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Fanny Chmelar (pronounced Shmeller)
- Expert of the Day: Is the left about to destroy Sheriff Joe?
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Thursday April 2, 2015
- 'Framework' for a final Iranian nuclear deal reached
- Shiite rebels take Yemen's presidential palace
- Obama is the new 'coyote'
- Owners of pizzeria in hiding after comments about gay wedding
- Yelp reviewers sounding off on pizzeria
- Fundraiser has raised over $150,000 for the owners
- Laughable: Salesforce CEO helping employees move out of Indiana if they feel 'oppressed'
- Global warming skeptics in Obama administration afraid to speak up
- Chris Christie pardons PA gun owner for carrying in NJ
- Yes, parenting does make a difference
- Woman attacks deputies with crucifix
- NBC News fooled by network's own show's stunt of nude man at Buckingham Palace
- Couple converts flatbed truck into 2-bedroom solar house
- Comcast leapfrogs Google Fiber
- Doctors find giant 'boiled egg' inside man's body
- Doctors tell Pizza Hut requiring sick notes is a waste of time
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Longest name in history
- Expert of the Day: Kathleen Hartnett White on why Obama's climate change policies could weaken our economy and military
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday April 1, 2015
- Arkansas guv asks legislature to make religious freedom law just like federal law
- Hillary says Arkansas guv should veto the same bill her husband signed
- North Carolina religious freedom law on hold
- DOJ won't charge Lois Lerner with contempt of Congress
- Senate investigating Obama administration's alleged retaliation against DHS employees
- Hypersensitive? Duke officials call noose hung outside building 'act of intimidation'
- Just as was predicted in An Inconsistent Truth: CA getting second-hand smog from China
- People freaking out about military training exercise called Jade Helm
- One conspiracy site's theory about FEMA Death Domes
- Video shows final moments inside Germanwings jet
- Ted Cruz jumps to second place in new poll
- Monica Lewinsky tapped to breathe new life into 'The View'
- Rasmussen: People ain't buying 'Monica the Victim'
- Major cheating scandal in Atlanta schools
- Heart recipient dies in police chase crash
- Intelligent life out there? Strange radio bursts from space
- Thieves in Chicago set up fake road blocks to trap motorists
- Eastwood to direct film about Richard Jewell and 1996 Atlanta Olympic bombing
- China building 'great wall of sand' in contested waters of South China Sea
- Madame Tussauds hires 'tissue attendants' for distraught One Direction fans
- Top April Fools Day pranks from around the web
- Celebrity April Fools Day pranks
- Join us for a night with Phil Valentine, Ted Nugent, Brad Thor and others
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: The assistant to the registrar at Piedmont College - Gay Neighbors
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