Thursday, January 21, 2016

Daily Show Prep - Thursday January 21, 2016


  1. Phil
    The IRS tax servers were turned on Tuesday. 1-19-16. Refunds will start going out in 9 too 21/days. That means the malls will be full of all those 20+ dependants illegals and non paying welfare buying stuff for taxes they never paid into. I did and got screwed. Jimmy shelbyville TN. H&R block was my source on IRS.

  2. Phil
    The IRS tax servers were turned on Tuesday. 1-19-16. Refunds will start going out in 9 too 21/days. That means the malls will be full of all those 20+ dependants illegals and non paying welfare buying stuff for taxes they never paid into. I did and got screwed. Jimmy shelbyville TN. H&R block was my source on IRS.
