- ISIS's authentic-looking passports pose threat
- Trump tops CNN poll, Cruz a distant second
- Trump doubles down on schlong, gets help from lib commentator
- Cruz blasts WashPo for making fun of his daughters
- National Review: Whatever happened to Carly Fiorina
- Inside the Chipotle outbreak
- Officers confront Black Lives Matter mob at mall
- Most comprehensive assault on global warming yet
- Congress wants to know if Obama is still spending more on global warming than border security
- Bette Midler blames warm weather on 'ignorant selfish climate deniers'
- Green campaigner Madonna uses private jet to travel 120 miles
- Private car ownership is on the road to rarity
- Cafeteria worker fired for giving hungry student a free lunch
- Nerd alert! Fan watches Star Wars for 46 hours straight
- Pirated screener of 'Hateful Eight' traced back to Hollywood exec
- Austrian DJ punished for playing 'Last Christmas' 24 times in a row
- Dog found in Detroit 3 years after going missing in Ohio
- Smoking pot leads to worse grades
- Expert of the Day: John Guandolo, former FBI counterterrorism agent on why Muslims have been 'nearly zero help' fighting terrorism since 9/11
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Nosmo King
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday December 23, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Tuesday December 22, 2015
- San Bernardino terrorist's visa 'sloppily approved'
- NOAA sued over withheld global warming documents
- Trump says Hillary 'got schlonged' in 2008
- Cruz: 2016 is becoming a two-man race
- Hillary announces wartime urgency for Alzheimer's cure
- Trademark case could set precedent for Redskins to keep trademark on name
- 'The Slants' get to keep their name
- Oil prices lowest since 2004
- New E. coli outbreak, Chipotle stock dives
- Gene drives offer new hope against disease
- Exxon's secret climate deal
- Man jailed after threatening student over Star Wars spoiler
- Dancing burns more calories than running, swimming, or cycling
- Secret Service agent has gun and badge stolen in broad daylight
- Students sign petition to ban 'White Christmas' from radio because it's racist
- Woman chants 'ISIS is good, ISIS is great' during sex
- Expert of the Day: Craig Shirley on how the legacy of Ronald Reagan shaped the modern Republican Party
Monday, December 21, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Monday December 21, 2015
- Mullah shoots dead army vet/aid worker in Afghanistan
- Study: Polls may actually underestimate Trump's support
- Poll: Rubio beats Hillary
- The Week: Hillary and the risk of winning ugly
- Man found living at Ft. Bragg for 8 months
- Car plows into pedestrians on Vegas strip
- Lindsey Grahamnesty drops out of GOP presidential race
- John Kerry assures Iran they have nothing to worry about with tightened counter-terrorism measures
- NASA now says fossil fuels create global cooling
- Fed: State minimum wage hikes may have killed 200,000 jobs
- U. of Louisville ripped for 'whites only' ad
- Scientists discover the intelligence gene
- Brunei bans Christmas, threatens 5 years in jail for violators
- Steve Harvey crowns wrong Miss Universe
- Dozens of dogs poisoned, shot in rural Arkansas
- Man punches, robs man just involved in car accident
- Expert of the Day: Denise McAllister from the Federalist in defense of Rand Paul
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Pat May Weiner
Friday, December 18, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Friday December 18, 2015
- House approves 'Omnibust' spending bill
- How the House voted
- Senate approves 'Omnibust,' big surprise: Lindsey Grahamnesty votes for it, Rubio doesn't vote
- How the Senate voted
- Report: Raising minimum wage does not reduce reliance on government
- San Bernardino terrorist relative had sham marriage
- Gun control after the holidays
- Ken Cuccinelli endorses Cruz
- Study: NOAA relies on 'compromised' thermometers that inflate warming
- 'Climate chef' who cooked for Paris conference fined for damaging environment
- Fugitive monkey on the run because he was bullied
- High school teacher 'victimized' male students with nude photos, sex
- PC students offended by lack of fried chicken
- Movie crowd freaks out when projector breaks at Star Wars movie
- Expert of the Day: Rachel Stoltzfoos from the Daily Caller on the Ryan sell-out
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Dan Druff
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Thursday December 17, 2015
- Paul Ryan sells out the conservatives in new budget deal
- Includes $1.6 billion to resettle illegal immigrants in America
- List of what the Ryan/Obama bill funds
- Feds can't find suspected terrorists who had visas revoked
- Team led by Middle Eastern woman caught surveilling U.S facility on Mexican border
- Why this year's Christmas season is so angry
- Reuters: Trump in the lead, Cruz in second
- Enrique Marquez arrested in San Bernardino terrorist plot
- Michael Moore: 'I'm coming for Donald'
- Moore says 'We are all Muslims'
- Saudi Arabia set to execute teen for protesting
- Look back at the woman who started the Arab Spring
- Being angry in the workplace can be beneficial
- Hi-tech toilets come to China
- Study: 90% of cancer cases caused by lifestyle
- Viewer Discretion Advised: Macaulay Culkin's revenge
- Expert of the Day: Russ Read, National Security Foreign Policy reporter for The Daily Caller, on UN admitting Iran broke resolution
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Dee Zaster
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday December 16, 2015
- Fed raises interest rates for first time since 2006
- Cruz, Paul spar with Rubio over NSA, immigration
- Cruz remark on intelligence to be reviewed by intelligence committee
- 'King of Instagram' endorses guns, girls, and Trump
- Mistrial declared in first Freddie Gray trial
- Family asks people to remain calm
- Sen. Sessions releases list of 30 terrorists that were allowed into the U.S.
- Americans oppose a ban on 'assault weapons'
- Chattanooga shooter motivated by terrorist propaganda
- TN bill defines marriage as one man, one woman no matter what any court says
- McCain has serious primary challenger
- Suspended Secret Service officer shot to death
- Denver breaks daily snowfall record
- Man robs bank live on TV
- New Zealand flag drops the Union Jack for the fern
- Identical women from two different countries who aren't even related
- Expert of the Day: Joseph Klein, UN correspondent, on the Paris climate agreement
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Robyn Banks
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Tuesday December 15, 2015
- E-mail threat shuts down LA schools
- New York gets similar threat, stays open
- Hackers trace ISIS Twitter accounts back to UK government departments
- ISIS alert for Missouri
- Kids learn calligraphy by writing 'There is no god but Allah'
- Trump leads by 30 in new poll
- CNN breaks own rules to let Rand Paul in
- Featured guest at Hillary fundraiser says gay parents are bad for kids
- Well, ain't this typical? DNC wants a government bailout for their convention
- Cal Thomas: Paris climate deal nothing but hot air
- Lettuce is 'three times worse than bacon' for emissions
- Is this real? Resident worries solar farm will 'suck up all the energy from the sun'
- Retailers sound alarm bells for Christmas
- Idiots in Houston stop traffic for marriage proposal
- App lets women determine their cup size by putting their phone in their cleavage
- Woman transforms tattoo of trans son to match 'his' identity
- Melissa Harris Perry at BSNBC says Star Wars is racist
- Man busted in prostitution sting dressed as French maid
- Expert of the Day: Mike Duncan, CEO of the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity on the climate talks in Paris
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: ISIS Pharmaceuticals
Monday, December 14, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Monday December 14, 2015
- ABC News: Officials deliberately ignored social media posts of visa applicants
- Congress moves to force the checking of social media
- Trump hits a new high
- Trump's doctor: He'd be 'the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency'
- Gettin' a little chippy: Trump calls Cruz 'a little bit of a maniac'
- Quinnipiac: Trump, Cruz in virtual tie in Iowa
- Cruz campaign credits psychological data for surge
- Bowe Bergdahl to face court-martial for desertion
- Oil below $35
- Actor Kurt Russell: Gun control to stop the terrorists is 'absolutely insane'
- Preacher on trial for insulting Islam...in the UK
- ISIS images found on phones of refugees in Norway
- Maryland man charged with supporting ISIS
- British sniper kills 5 ISIS terrorists with 3 shots
- Judicial Watch sues State Dept. over refugee program
- Texas plumber sues after work truck sold to ISIS
- Obama makes 'paper tiger' climate deal in Paris
- New illegals center has indoor pool
- Global markets selling shrimp peeled by slaves
- Uncle Phil predicted it: Canadian fresh air hot item in China
- Bill Cosby fires back with lawsuit of his own
- Amazon pulls hoverboards over fire hazard
- Thai man may go to prison for insulting the king's dog
- Man offers sign-carrying panhandler a job, he refuses, would-be boss makes his own sign
- Maine family sports Christmas display of Santa peeing on ISIS
- Dial-a-Carol and someone will sing you a Christmas song
- Odd insults from around the world
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Bad Product Name - Pee Cola
Friday, December 11, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Friday December 11, 2015
- San Bernardino shooters planned bigger attack
- ISIS may have passport printing machine
- Finland charges two refugees with terror-related murder of 11 people
- UK's chief medical officer: Obesity in woman 'as dangerous as terrorist threat'
- Imam forced to resign because he agrees with Trump on banning Muslims
- ACLU board member urges Trump supporters be shot
- Cruz emerges as Iowa's favorite
- Russia plans $40-a-barrel oil for next seven years
- The big climate change scam
- CNN staffer sues for racial discrimination
- Amazon Prime now offers one-hour alcohol delivery
- Priest paid his male 'sex master' from collection plate
- Hilarious: Pupil's innocent answer to a question about tornadoes
- Expert of the Day: Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots on IRS wanting to collect Social Security numbers of donor at point of donation
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Thursday December 10, 2015
- Sen. Sessions blows whistle on Ryan/McConnell plan to fund Syrian refugees
- San Bernardino terrorists may have been on intelligence radar after all
- Anti-Trump proposal amendment offered in Congress on Muslim issue
- Franklin Graham agrees with Trump
- Muslim NFL players condemn Trump
- Trump up in CBS poll, Cruz now second
- Nightmare for GOP establishment: Trump or Cruz
- Cruz has guts to say it: Replacing dictators in Middle East was disaster
- Harry Reid calls Justice Scalia a racist
- Why machines discriminate
- New Republic: Time to ban all guns
- Chicago protest leader wants to defund the cops
- Deserter Bowe Bergdahl likens himself to Jason Bourne
- Harrison Ford warns of 'disastrous' consequences if climate talks fail
- Evil 'Big Water' pumps aquifers dry
- Chipotle CEO apologizes, offers no info
- Hilarious Christmas mugshots
- Expert of the Day: Kevin Sali, legal expert, on hinderances in the San Bernardino investigation
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Product called 'Taste Like Grandma' Jam
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday December 9, 2015
- Putin threatens to nuke ISIS
- Just days ago: Police raid mosque, find ammo and ISIS propaganda
- Carter banned Iranians from coming to U.S.
- Two-thirds of Republicans back Trump's plan
- Rand Paul comes to Trump's defense
- Pew: Muslims fastest growing religious group, 70% Democrat
- Protests, recall mount against Chicago mayor
- Planned Parenthood killer yells 'I'm guilty' in court
- Volunteers intercept illegals at border, fear ISIS is crossing
- German robots to make first Adidas running shoes
- Walmart's imports from China displaced 400,000 jobs
- U.S. Navy admiral fired after found wandering in a hotel naked
- Gun store sign: Want to piss off Obama? Buy a gun.
- Dad, son stole $41,000 in chicken wings from restaurant
- Expert of the Day: Leslie Paige from Citizens Against Government Waste on a possible government shutdown on Friday
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Man arrested for trespassing at Budweiser plant - Man's name was Bud Weisser
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Tuesday December 8, 2015
- All the places you can buy Phil's new novel, The God Players
- FBI: San Bernardino killers long radicalized
- Bank records show $28,500 deposited in Farook's account two weeks before shooting
- Suspect's mom had suspicious items in car
- Florida mayor jokes about banning Trump from his city
- Philly mayor more serious about banning Trump
- Bob Dole slams Trump, Cruz for being extreme
- E-mail proves forces could've helped in Benghazi but were never used
- Oil prices could hit $20
- OPEC trying to kill fracking
- TN lawmakers consider pulling funding for UT 'diversity' office
- Google chairman wants algorithms to censor Internet for hate speech
- Vet's mom forced to sell Obama letter to cover medical bills
- SCOTUS ponders 'one person, one vote' case
- Peak carbon? CO2 emissions stall for second year in a row
- Boston Chipotle closed down after 30 students fall ill
- Anti-smoking zealot claims eCigs are 'against our culture'
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Wendy Wacko
Monday, December 7, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Monday December 7, 2015
- Surprise! ISIS has targeted refugee program to enter U.S.
- 72 DHS employees on terror watch list
- Jerry Falwell, Jr. causes stir by telling the truth
- Trump calls for a 'total and complete' ban on Muslims entering the U.S.
- Americans stock up on weapons after California shooting
- San Bernardino shooter was a self-professed liberal
- Supreme Court won't hear challenge to Chicago suburb's assault weapons ban
- Top ISIS leader in Libya taken out by missile strike
- Ted Cruz takes the lead in Iowa
- Trump lashes out at billionaire Jeff Bezos
- Climate scientists turn to religion for recruits
- Climate skeptics branded as criminals in Paris
- Beijing issues first smog red alert, has nothing to do with CO2
- Kinky: 91-year-old woman suffocates during sex game
- Clothing firm apologizes for advertising lingerie with picture of Hitler
- George Zimmerman's ex reacts to his posting of nude pictures of her
- Petition demands Adele admit she's only successful because she's white
- Fox analyst suspended for calling Obama a 'pussy'
- Expert of the Day: Ken Clark, Southeast regional director for the Convention of States on why a constitutional convention is the only way to stop a runaway Congress
- Should women be assigned to combat? Veteran Jude Eden says no.
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Professor Stef Craps
Friday, December 4, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Friday December 4, 2015
- It's official: FBI says San Bernardino shooting was act of terrorism
- SB shooter pledged allegiance to ISIS
- The FBI releases photo of Malik
- Journalists storm Bernardino shooter's apartment
- Then BSNBC apologizes
- CNN reporter asks White House about vetting for SB terrorist
- CNN's Erin Burnett wonders if 'postpartum psychosis' led to slaughter
- The crazies come out with 'crisis actor' claim for San Bernardino
- Loretta Lynch vows to prosecute those who use 'anti-Muslim' speech
- Crazy liberal professor blames the NRA for San Bernardino
- Convicted American terrorist wants to come back to U.S. to work on 'social justice issues'
- Bellwether county goes for Trump
- CNN: Trump with 20-point lead
- Zuckerberg still having to explain his generosity to the libs
- Illinois school compromises with Ed. Dept. over cross-dresser in girl's locker room
- Small amount of pot can cause psychosis
- Chipotle E.coli outbreak spreads
- Expert of the Day: David French from National Review on police militarization
- Rachel Stoltzfoos on Obama's plan to trigger gun control with executive order
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: The Aikin/Johnson wedding
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Thursday December 3, 2015
- Terror might have been a motive in CA killing. You think?
- Political correctness got us killed again
- Timeline of events in San Bernardino
- Senator's message about 'thoughts and prayers' angers some
- Media push activists' count of mass shootings this year
- Common sense: Sheriff Joe calls on citizens to arm themselves and stop the terrorists
- Texas sues to block Syrian refugees
- Reuters poll: Trump still on top
- Black pastors endorse Trump
- More than 179,000 criminal illegals roaming the U.S.
- Report says Secret Service in crisis
- Obama's Organizing for Action: Call out the climate deniers
- Zuckerberg pledges to give his fortune away, libs call him a tax avoider
- UT's Office of Diversity and Inclusion warns students and faculty to not hold Christmas parties
- Expert of the Day: Dan Kish of the Institute for Energy Research on the rising cost of energy
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Ken Molestina
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Wednesday December 2, 2015
- Another mass shooting, this one in San Bernardino
- Trump dominates in national Quinnipiac poll, Rubio now in second
- Debt soars by $674 billion in one month!
- Record high snow cover for December 1
- As Obama meets in Paris, Congress undoes his global warming agenda
- France's top weatherman finds new job in Russia after being fired for not buying global warming hype
- Prince Charles demands 'North Korean-style' conditions for interviews
- Sean Penn: Climate deniers were invented by Fox News
- Solar gets 326 times more subsidies than fossil fuels
- Members of Parliament vote for air strikes against ISIS
- Russia once again accuses Turkish president of involvement with ISIS oil
- French economist says income inequality created ISIS
- UnitedHealth CEO regrets entering Obamacare marketplace
- Twitter threats against black students turn out to be by black alum
- Study: Worry can knock five years off your life
- 'No can do' is racist, you pig
- NEA president refers to mentally retarded kids as 'chronically tarded'
- Too fat to have sex
- Expert of the Day: Kyle Fedlscher, reporter with the Washington Examiner, new ethanol requirements could hurt your car's engine
- Cursed at Birth, The Most Unfortunate Name of the Day: Woo-suk Hwang
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Daily Show Prep - Tuesday December 1, 2015
- Sen. Sessions: Omnibus bill gives Obama blank check on refugees, immigration
- Trump insists 'most' black pastors endorsing him
- Black pastors clash on CNN over meeting with Trump
- Herman Cain to speak at Trump rally
- Anti-ISIS coalition falling apart
- Obama's climate change motorcade cost us $784,825
- CNN: Global warming is terrorism
- Obama says island nations could disappear because of climate change
- Flashback: Only 20 percent of islands are shrinking
- State Department 'troubled' by Moscow's move against Soros group
- People on edge: Man mentions ISIS, freaks out store employees
- What's he smokin'? Obama says mass shootings never happen in other countries
- White Chicago preacher holds prayer apologizing on behalf of his 'white brethren'
- Rich catch hell for charitable giving
- Nashville halts gun shows at fairgrounds
- Detroit police chief says citizens carrying guns makes city safer from terrorist attack
- Feds spent $375,000 studying the dating habits of seniors
- Leonardo DiCaprio raped by bear in new movie
- Woman who posted her dog with his mouth duct-taped shut charged with animal cruelty
- Expert of the Day: Michael Pregent on Obama putting global warming ahead of terrorism
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