Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Daily Show Prep - Wednesday August 16, 2017

1 comment:

  1. See who is lying about Trump, and fomenting hate and anger? It's none other than Tom Perez, the new head of the DNC. Below is an email he sent out last night, Tuesday 8/15/17, 9:11pm. It's no wonder the Antifa and the Left are so violent, and getting worse. Look at what the head of the Democrat Party is saying.

    Today, for the second time, Donald Trump used every excuse in the book to avoid having to call racists racist. Instead, he praised the alt-right, white supremacists, and neo-Nazis. He stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them and endorsed their cause.

    It is sickening, and I know that, for many of us, it is frightening.

    But we will not lose hope. We will not give in to fear. We will rise above Donald Trump's hatred, and we will organize to defeat him.

    Make sure Trump knows that you will never back down:

    I'M IN

    Thank you,


    Tom Perez
    Democratic National Committee
